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CB Hudson Broadhurst WEBRES 2022-06-09 022.jpg
 1913. Frank, L. 3400 block of Cedar Cottage (Commercial Street)
  1.  All residential units are ‘through units’ enabling natural ventilation and access to an abundance of daylight.  2.  Daylight to the courtyard is enhanced by stepping the massing of the infill and the addition to the Heritage building.  3.  The
  1.  Original Heritage building is restored as per Conservation Plan; including period bay windows, trims, glazing, storefronts and details throughout.  2.  The main residential entry is carefully located at an existing door location and highlighted
 Infill from Lane
 Infill from Courtyard
 Addition to Character Building from Courtyard
 Level 2 Plan
 Section A:A
 Due to the character and culture of this close-knit neighbourhood, an Open House was held in order to gauge support for the project and integrate early neighbour feedback. With overwhelmingly positive feedback, the project was submitted to the City
CB Hudson Broadhurst 1910 Exterior 2022-06-13 058.jpg
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